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China breaks new ground in wind power with new 30 MW turbines

作者:用户 来源:互联网 时间:2024-03-03 09:15:21 人气:3814 次


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As the world evolves, we strive to be more sustainable to keep the momentum going. China seems to be sprinting in this regard with new renovations.

Sany, a prominent Chinese industrial group, proudly claims to have achieved a milestone in wind turbine technology with its latest test facility.

According to the company, they have pushed the limits of wind turbine technology, going as far as handle blades for huge 30MW wind turbines.

Sany Renewable Energy unveiled a dual-axis ground-based exciter, a contraption designed to simulate the intense forces that blades endure during operation. 

Majorly, the buzz around this new facility is that it can test the fatigue level of the enormous 100-meter-plus blades now making waves in the market. So, it can test even a blade longer than an average football field.

According to Sany RE, this integrated test facility is a significant milestone for blade performance verification of 30MW-class wind turbines.

“This is the first integrated test for fatigue testing of ultra-long blades in China, satisfying the verification demands for blade performance of 30MW-class wind turbines,” says Sany RE. 

Interestingly, earlier this year, Sany revealed a 131-meter blade, which they claim is the longest ever produced for onshore wind. This impressive blade length reflects the ongoing trend toward larger and more powerful turbines.

Sany has it all planned out, no matter the size of the turbine
Now, you might wonder why we go through all this trouble for blades that are not even attached to a 30MW turbine. Good question.

Sany clarifies that they don’t have immediate plans for a 30MW turbine, a power rating that seems to be the next frontier in the industry. It’s like they’re saying, “We’re ready for it when the time comes.”

China’s wind OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) have been flexing their muscles with plans for offshore wind turbines ranging from 20-25MW.

On the home front, Sany’s sights are set on a 15MW model. It’s a race to the top, and China is planning to leave Western competitors trailing in their wake.

However, not everyone cheers for the ‘bigger is better’ mantra. Henrik Stiesdal, a global wind turbine technology pioneer and recent recipient of the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Prize, raised a caution flag.
Consequently, in an interview, he expressed concerns about a potential “turbine arms race” towards more powerful machines, warning that it might undermine the benefits of mass industrialization.

Furthermore, Sany seems undeterred, emphasizing that the new testing facility is necessary. With blades stretching beyond 100 meters, traditional testing methods no longer cut it.

The facility boasts a dual-axis testing system with a maximum excitation force of 140kN. Also, it claims it can cover the verification needs of 30MW wind turbines.

Apparently, it’s not just talk; they’ve already successfully tested and verified 112-meter blades. They are gearing up for the challenge of the recently launched 131-meter blades.

According to the news release from Energy Central, China is pushing the boundaries of wind power. Regardless, only time will tell whether these powerful turbines will boom or fail. 

